New resources are listed in green for one month.
DNA Testing for the Donor Conceived Resources about DNA testing for the donor conceived from the International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki
Genetic Testing and Family Secrets “With more people using commercial genetic tests to find family members and learn more about their DNA, psychologists consider the risks and benefits.”
Is DNA Left on Envelopes Fair Game for Testing? “The genealogist’s dream of testing old, spit-laced artifacts is coming true — but raising questions about who controls dead people’s DNA.”
Our Genetic Awakening Brings Benefits and Risks An essay about the nature of DNA, the surprises in our genomes, and the possibilities and pitfalls of testing.
Scientists Just Confirmed There’s a Second Layer of Information Hidden in Our DNA “Theoretical physicists have confirmed that it’s not just the information coded into our DNA that shapes who we are — it’s also the way the DNA folds itself that controls which genes are expressed inside our bodies.”
Using DNA Testing to Break Through Adoption Roadblocks A basic how-to from the International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki
What Can We Learn From Our DNA? “Inexpensive genetic testing is a game changer for psychological research. But is it a research tool, a fortune-teller or both?”
Blogs & Websites
Guides and Education
The Adoptee’s Guide to DNA Testing: How to Use Genetic Genealogy to Discover Your Long-Lost Family, by Tamar Weinberg A comprehensive guide to adoption genealogy
Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies, edited by Debbie Parker Wayne Techniques to help “intermediate researchers move up to the next level and advanced researchers apply the new DNA standards and write about DNA”
The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy, by Blaine T. Bettinger A genetic genealogist’s comprehensive overview of DNA testing, interpretation of results, basic concepts, and resources. Although the focus is on genealogy, there’s much here that’s useful to those testing to find biological family.
Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond, by Emily D, Aulicino A basic guide to DNA and its uses in family research
Genetic Genealogy in Practice, by Blaine T. Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne A workbook on the basic concepts of genetic genealogy.
Genetics 101: From Chromosomes and the Double Helix to Cloning and DNA Tests, Everything you Need to know About Genes, by Beth Skwarecki A basic primer on the science of genetics — how genes are inherited, how DNA functions, what it affects, and how you can use your DNA findings to learn more about your genetic identity.
Guide to DNA Testing: How to Identify Ancestors, Confirm Relationships, and Measure Ethnic Ancestry Through DNA Testing, By Richard Hill A guide to “the different tests types, their strengths and limitations”
The Lost Family: How DNA is Upending Who We Are, by Libby Copeland.
NextGen Genealogy: The DNA Connection, by David R. Dowell Includes an overview of genealogical principles, legal and ethical issues of DNA testing, and “protocols of DNA collection, handling, processing, evaluation, and interpretation”
Education & Tools
Film & Video
Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores the family histories of well-known figures from a range of disciplines, using DNA and genealogical research to reveal their stories.
Genetic Genealogists & Services
Jennifer Baldwin, jlbaldwinz@gmail.com
Enlighten DNA, Truth@enlightenDNA.org
Genetic Counseling
Medical Information & Testing Organizations
Podcasts & Radio
Support & Educational Groups
AncestryDNA Gedmatch 23andMe FTDNA MyHeritage Genealogy LivingDNA
DD Social, a subgroup of DNA Detectives
DNA Adoptee Research & Reunion
Genealogy and DNA for Beginners
Genetic Genealogy Tips & Techniques
Investigative Genetic Genealogy
Search Squad’s Pre-Reunion/Contact Support Group
Southern Italian DNA and Genealogy
Tracing the Tribe: Jewish Genealogy
DNA Testing Companies
The Major Testing Companies
Paternity Tests
Other Tests and Third-Party Applications
Film & Video
Momondo — The DNA Journey Sixty-seven people were asked to take a DNA test and this film looks at their reactions to the results, showing there’s more that connects people than divides them.